Bobby’s Gin was launched in 2014, This gin is multilayered on the nose with soft fragrant notes of lemongrass, rosehips, baking spice and juniper. This exotic fusion of tropical Indonesian spices and traditional gin flavors, creates something truly unique. Bottled in a unique glass vial with a traditional Indonesian Ikat pattern, this combination of elements give this gin a contemporary character while tying into the exotic culture behind the spirit.
PROP 65 WARNINGS: Drinking Distilled Spirits, Beer, Coolers, Wine And Other Alcoholic Beverages May Increase Cancer Risk And, During Pregnancy Can Cause Birth Defects.
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Bobby’s Gin was launched in 2014, This gin is multilayered on the nose with soft fragrant notes of lemongrass, rosehips, baking spice and juniper. This exotic fusion of tropical Indonesian spices and traditional gin flavors, creates something truly unique. Bottled in a unique glass vial with a traditional Indonesian Ikat pattern, this combination of elements give this gin a contemporary character while tying into the exotic culture behind the spirit.